La Molina weather live
We like skiing in La Molina for its wide range of services for families, for the proximity of the accommodation to the slopes and for its snowpark with the largest halfpipe in the Pyrenees. But what is the weather forecast for La Molina on the dates of your trip? Check the weather forecast for La Molina here.
Weather forecast La Molina
8-day forecast
Information on the La Molina live weather

There are many reasons to ski at Spain's oldest winter sports resort, La Molina, which opened its first commercial ski lift in 1943. In the run-up to your snowy getaway you may be wondering whether it's a good time to hit the slopes or whether it's worth waiting. Is the snow forecast for La Molina good, or will it be light? Will it be sunny, or will it rain every day? Take a look at all the weather information for La Molina, updated daily and with a forecast for the next few days.
In this section you can consult the weather forecast for La Molina, with data on the minimum and maximum temperature, by time slots, both at the lowest and highest altitudes; you can also find out the wind chill on the slopes; the snow level and visibility; the speed of the gusts of wind and their direction, at the base and at the summit (where they tend to be of high intensity); or the amount of precipitation forecast in La Molina by the weather forecast.
The slopes of La Molina are at a considerable altitude, with a minimum altitude of 1.667 metres and a maximum of 2.445 metres, so the temperature and the quantity and quality of the snow vary according to the altitude. The weather in La Molina is usually quite cold during the ski season, with average temperatures ranging from -3 to 4 degrees Celsius a day in January and February, according to historical records.
Precipitation peaks in April, which is when the slopes of La Molina are usually closed; the rest of the season, most of the precipitation is in the form of snowfall. La Molina ski resort is considered to have a high mountain or alpine climate, with long, cold winters.