Andorra La Vella, Andorra

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Information and services from BELLPI

Information and services from BELLPI

Discover all the services

Hotel cat. 3 * Situated in Andorra la Vella, fully equipped comfortable rooms tv. restaurant, TV room. game room

Tourist tax to be paid at the accommodation.
*Services are subject to change without notice. We invite you to contact us for further information.

Hotel cat. 3 * Situated in Andorra la Vella, fully equipped comfortable rooms tv. restaurant, TV ro...

Hotel cat. 3 * Situated in Andorra la Vella, fully equipped comfortable rooms tv. restaurant, TV room. game room

Tourist tax to be paid at the accommodation.
*Services are subject to change without notice. We invite you to contact us for further information.

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Avda. St.a Coloma, Andorra La Vella, Andorra


Avda. St.a Coloma, Andorra La Vella, Andorra

Hotel cat. 3 * Situated in Andorra la Vella, fully equipped comfortable rooms tv. restaurant, TV room. game room

Frequently asked questions for BELLPI

Is there wifi at the BELLPI hotel?

At the BELLPI hotel there is no wifi.

Can I park near the BELLPI hotel?

The BELLPI hotel does not have a car park.